Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Most Boring YA Story Ever

Sarah always woke up at precisely 6 a.m. to exercise, but she never overdid it because she liked her body just the way it was and had perfect self-esteem. She just also knew it was important to stay healthy, so she did her thirty-minute run with a smile on her face.

After taking a very short shower (since water conservation and general "greeness" was something Sarah believed in), she went upstairs to eat breakfast with her family, who were all awake and smiling too. Her mother and father were her heroes, since they did everything parents should do and more. Her younger sister and brother were her dearest companions, and they adored her as much as she adored them.

In fact, her whole family was like that, and I mean whole because even her great grandparents on both sides were still alive. And all the family pets. If anyone did die—and of course Sarah had only heard of such a thing—they died peacefully in their sleep at one hundred and five, so everyone agreed they lived a full, happy life.

So Sarah and her family ate their pancakes in peace, only talking about the weather. Then she gave both her parents hugs and kisses, because she always wanted to make sure they knew how much she loved them.

"Have a good day, honey," her mom said as she handed her a perfectly packed lunch, complete with sugar cookie.

"I will, Mom." Sarah opened the front door. "I love school."

And she wasn't even lying. Sarah loved all of her teachers and classes. She got perfect grades. She loved every single person at school and they all loved her back. No one ever said a bad thing about her, and of course she would never even dream of gossiping. She could see the beauty in everyone.

"Sarah!" her boyfriend, Tom, called as she neatly stacked her books in her immaculate locker. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Tom was the perfect guy. He never pushed her or looked down on her or did anything particularly interesting at all. And Sarah, of course, never ever fought with him.

She and Tom exchanged a chaste peck, all they had ever done and would ever do. Unless you count the side hugs and occasional hand holding.

"Good morning." She shut her locker. "Let's go. We don't want to be late for class."

During class, Sarah took notes and listened to every word her teachers said. She didn't even glance at Tom though he sat next to her. But he never glanced at her either because they both took their studies seriously. In fact, the whole class was listening because all teens take their studies seriously.

When the lunch bell rang, Sarah ate with her friends, which were basically everyone in the whole school. They all just sat in a big circle around the cafeteria and used a microphone to talk, taking turns speaking. Everyone listened respectfully as they told each other how much they appreciated everyone else.

"See you tomorrow," Tom said after school, this time giving her that token side hug. "Have fun with your homework."

"You too!" She smiled. It had been a very good day at school.

She did all her homework right when she got home, eating a healthy after school snack her mother prepared. She didn't even look in the back of the math book for the answers, because that was cheating and cheaters never prosper.

After another perfect family dinner, they pulled out a board game, since TV was too horrible these days anyway. They chose RISK, and they all played on the same team so no one would have to lose. They just took over the world with no opposition.

Sarah went to bed at exactly 9 p.m. She was excited to wake up and do absolutely nothing interesting at all for the rest of her life. Unless you count Student of the Month.


  1. What?

    This is what my teenhood was like. Are you calling it boring?


  2. LOLOL!!!

    "And all the family pets. If anyone did die—and of course Sarah had only heard of such a thing—they died peacefully in their sleep at one hundred and five, so everyone agreed they lived a full, happy life."

    That might be my fave line ever.

    LOL oh no wait!

    "They chose RISK, and they all played on the same team so no one would have to lose. They just took over the world with no opposition."

    That one!

  3. Dude, RISK is dangerous!! I got one of those pieces lodged in my ear during family game night. Then again, does Sarah's fam play tackle board games? Wait, that was only mine? Huh. Fancy that.

    Keep on trucking, Sarah!

  4. Ha! I'd say about 50% of that was like my teenhood.

    Except my family didn't discuss the weather. We talked about our plans to survive the zombie (or other) apocalypse.

    Hey, it's important to have a plan.

  5. This was exactly how my teenager years went....or something like that :)

  6. The only thing better than RISK is MIDDLE EARTH RISK. Got it for Christmas awhile back. Every time I've played, the "good side" always wins. I think it's rigged.

  7. Marie, my family didn't play board games because we're all sore would get really ugly.

    Also, you guys are scaring me because I can't tell you you're seriously saying your adolescence was like that or not, lol.

  8. Wow...there's my high school years in a nutshell minus Tom and including more anime. I actually thought the title was a misnomer at first and kept waiting for Sarah to snap out of it as I read.


  10. And the "occasional side hugs"!!!! This is hilarious! I'd read this if it were on a bookshelf, just like a replacement for the Sunday comics. Ahhh, it's so hilarious, I could barf! (Okay, not literally!)

  11. Kiersten: best. comment. EVER.

  12. Oh stars. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    Sort of makes you thankful for all the trials survived in adolescence.

  13. Now THAT is what I would call fiction.

  14. Natalie, I saw this on my Dahsboard when I logged in:

    Sarah always woke up at precisely 6 a.m. to exercise, but she never overdid it because she liked her body just the way it was and had perfect self-esteem.

    I LOLed in a most embarrassing fashion. Snorting may have happened.

    I love you!

  15. This would be what CANDOR would have been like if told from anyone else's perspective :-)

  16. I want some of the drugs these people are on. Totally make raising my kids easier when the time comes. That and slowly decrease the world population.

  17. How did you manage to write that without falling asleep, Natalie?

  18. Makes me think of those old family shows like Leave it to Beaver. Only even more boring.

    Also, being the name nerd I am, Sarah is a very fitting name for the protag. It means "princess" and she certainly was one in this--a pretty, perfect teen princess. :P

  19. LOL, whoa, that WAS boring, but also strangly entertaining!! Can't wait to read more! And oh, dreamy! *barf* :P


  20. hahaha this is hilarious. "In fact, the whole class was listening because all teens take their studies seriously" :D

  21. Zzzzzzzzzz.........
    *startles awake*
    Oh! Sorry! I just got a little tired there...

    Three weeks later, Sarah got bored and took some drugs, because the public school across town has peer pressure. It all went downhill from there; Tom and everyone else also took drugs, and their high school turned into, well, a HIGH SCHOOL.

  22. If I was Sarah and Tom ignored me like that, I'd slap him upside the face with my Advanced Honors textbook. Hilarious though, thanks for this.

  23. ... and everything was lovely until they found that vampire living in the basement.

    LOL This was hilarious. And kinda creepy in a stepford-ish kinda way. :)

  24. "They just took over the world with no opposition." AHH.

    It's boring as realistic YA, but just imagine Sarah as a villainess. She would be fantastic.

  25. I felt a very creepy evil undertone to that story. I'm just sayin'.

    Not natural.

  26. "...until the zombies came."

    "...until the day she learned her whole life was a lie."

    "...until the rebels broke down the wall of the compound."

    "...until the day she discovered her nightly RISK games were real."

    "...until the CIA hitman came and showed her what real fun could be."

    Go ahead, pick one. No seriously, PLEASE pick one!

  27. So, I shouldn't steal any of this for my next book? Got it.

  28. I am filing a complaint to the police since apparently you stole the diary I kept during high school.

  29. The most boring story... Ah! Now I'm fresh!

  30. Were you writing about my daughter's life? Perfect???

    I loved the lunch room scene! ROFL!

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. my terrible contributions

    --good thing her family didn't notice her swelling belly....yet

    --one incorrect moment, and the swarm of parasites in their brains would inflict excruciating pain

    --and this day had now repeated 20,471 times, each day exactly the same as the last

    --"ahh the perfect family," said Yodo-1 from the spacecraft. "Now watch as we start pulling their strings."

    --then one day Tom cut his finger, and as he sucked it, a strange urge grew in Sarah, a primeval force she could could not withstand as her teeth sunk into his neck.
