Monday, October 25, 2010


November is next week, guys. Seriously, where did this year go? I feel it slipping out of my hands, and I still have so much to do before it's over. *cue panic*

But I am still determined to do my little NaNoReaMo (Natalie's Novel Reading Month, hehe). While everyone else is slaving away writing a novel in a month for NaNoWriMo, I've decided to once again READ as many novels as I can in November. It's like my own way of catching up, since I'm such a slow reader and what little time I have usually goes to my own projects.

So the goal is 3 books a week, making that 12 books in November. I must admit I'm a little terrified this time. Last year, it was hard even when I put away all my writing. This year? Yeah, I have a deadline to finish edits on Transparent in mid-November. So what if it's self-imposed? I still want to meet it. I need to get this book done (or at least done for now).

I think it might take a miracle. Or begging my little sister to watch my kids in the afternoons here and there (ahem, every day I can get).

One sec, I need to take a few deep, cleansing breaths...




Okay, I can do this, right? I mean, that's like three weeks for the rest of this edit...and there's got to be at least a little cyborg left in me somewhere. *gulp* You know, I wouldn't mind some peer pressure, if anyone else wants to participate in NaNoReaMo. I'll be posting my roster of books sometime this week, and if you join in, let me know! We can talk books and stuff together when we're not reading.


  1. Natalie, brilliant idea! I don't think I'm as ambitious as you, but I can't do NaNoWriMo this year because I'm going to be out of town for 9 days. BUT--I'll have TONS of time for reading. Maybe I'll make it a goal to read three novels that week... Hmm... Great idea!

  2. What books are you gonna read, have you picked yet?

  3. Still planning, Kristan. I'll probably post my list sometime this week.

  4. Good luck with that, it sounds much more fun than NaNo, actually!

    I'm going to try to finish my wip, which needs about 50K more words to have a complete first draft. *Sigh*

  5. I love this idea and I'm in! I've blogged about it and linked to your blog, so you should have some of my readers stopping by.

  6. If you pick some nice, easy books it might help.

    Do ebooks count? I found Bernita's Dark & Disorderly and Lexi Revellian's Remix were both easy reads.

  7. Can't wait to see your list. You can do it!

  8. I love your idea.
    If I weren't participating in NaNoWriMo, I'd totally join you. Though I have my own list of shame, er, I mean books, to read.
    I'm going to keep your idea in mind for sometime during this next year when I have a lull in writing.

  9. Great! Now, I kinda want to NaNoReaMo, when I've already committed to NaNoWriMo...not to mention next month will also be NaNoQuerMo for me as well.

    Pretty sure I'll be catatonic by December.

  10. I love the idea of NaNoReaMo, and I can't wait to see what you're reading.

    I can't join in for the month (my writing's slow enough as it is!), but I'll be reading some commercial fiction (Stephen King's Duma Key, a couple James Patterson novels, and some other thriller I can't remember what it's called...apparently it's my "read books people loaned to me" month) as well as a beta novel or two.

  11. November is NEXT WEEK??


    But-- it-- I--


  12. Once I finish this "last" round of edits, I'm totally joining you. I've even got a little teetering tower of books next to my desk for chomping. Mmm, mmm Franzen and mmm, mmm Dashner!

  13. Sounds like great fun, but I'm doing NaNoCleMo this year. My house really needs it. *sigh*

  14. How convenient that your name starts with "Na". Every month is Nanoreamo for me. I've read 40 books since July.

    I'll be writing for once and takin time off the reading. Lookin forward to seeing your list though. There are so many great ones out there.

  15. Note to Sara Raasch: Great dialogue and action! lol

    What an ambitious and admirable undertaking. I have 4 WIPs, so I can't commit to anything until that number is down. Wish you the best, as well as anyone dedicated to NaNoWriMo!

  16. Hey, I saw a link to this post on Nathan Bransford's blog. Great idea! Count me in (altho I might not get to Mockingjay because I'm apparently the only person on earth who hasn't read the first two books...)

  17. I love this idea! Not sure I can do 3 a week (while writing and chasing kids), but I'll try to keep up. Thanks!

  18. This is a great idea! Darn, if I wasn't so bent on finishing my draft by the end of NaNo month, it would be so easy to do nothing all month but read... Well, besides work and all that [s]

  19. I've ended up deciding to do 'ReaMo myself! It's such a great alternative, given how good for writing (and for the soul!) reading is. I'm traveling too much to write consistently this month, but traveling gives me GREAT opportunities to read, and so I'm keeping track of all my books and posting them on my blog. :)

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  20. Looking back and forth between Nano Novel and Her Fearful Symmetry which I just began.
    so wish to do both. I think it is Nano writing this time, though I'm wondering if Dec. could be Nano Reading. The longest Night, the longest luxury/necessity/profound joy of Reading.


