Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CONTEST: Don't Stop Now by Julie Halpern

If you didn't know, I'm basically Julie Halpern's #1 crazy fangirl. I love her books—they are fun and FUNNY and real and awesome. She so doesn't get the attention she deserves. And thus I rave about her on my blog and pimp her books of my own free will.

Due to my ravings, Julie was kind enough to send me an ARC of her forthcoming DON'T STOP NOW. I loved it, of course. LOVED. I read it in one day—Thanksgiving Day. Yes, I ignored my family and gobbled up Lillian and Josh instead. I always love a good road trip adventure, and this one is now a top favorite.

Now I must have a contest.

But here's the thing—I can't part with my ARC. I love it that much. And I really want to support Julie here, because she is fabulous and very kind to this rather insane fangirl. So this book contest is going to be a little different.

You just have to do one thing...okay, two, but neither are that hard:

1. Pre-order DON'T STOP NOW.

2. Email me at natalie@nataliewhipple.com with proof of your pre-order.

And really, you'll be thanking be anyway, because DON'T STOP NOW is such a FUN book. With cheese castles and lame t-shirts and weird hotels. It's a prize in and of itself!

But there are more prizes! If you pre-ordered, you will have a chance to WIN one of three prizes. What? Well, let's just say you'll keep me busy:


1st winner drawn: 50 page critique and query crit

2nd winner drawn: 30 page critique and query crit

3rd winner drawn: 15 page critique and query crit

AND, for every 20 entries I receive, I will ADD ANOTHER 15 PAGE CRIT.

Yes, you read that right. So the more people who enter, the more crits I'll give out! There is winning everywhere here. The deadline to enter is May 10th. Go forth! Pre-order!


  1. Um, are people crazy? Why are there no comments about how awesome this contest is? Because, HELLO—you get to buy Julie's book AND possibly win a crit from you? Yes, please. I hope you've gotten more email entries than comments. (Then again, maybe I don't. I want to win.) :)


  2. Let's just say, Kayla, that you would win EVERYTHING if I drew the name right now. But it's early! I have hope!

  3. How long is your contest going to last? I know I'm getting a B&N gift card for mother's day (my hubby isn't very creative), and then I can use it (without getting in trouble) to buy a book!

  4. Until next Tuesday, Becky! Use that gift card with style:) (And I LOVE getting gift cards. They are my favorite gift, actually. I'm lame.)

  5. So my pre-order of this ONE book definitely turned into me buying four more. If only someone would buy ME a gift card... :)

  6. Hi Natalie!

    Wow! What an awesome competition. I'll be ordering Julie's book for sure... my only hesitation on entering is that I don't think my current WIP is polished enough for anyone to see it. So my question is... is there a time limit of when the crit would have to be used by?

    :) You rock :)

  7. Jemma, there is no time limit on the crit! Actually, I love when the crits are spaced out a little. Many of my past winners have done that. Cash in when you're ready:)

  8. Just *another* reason why you're so awesome :) Have a great day!

  9. See, Natalie, entrants! This contest truly does rock. :)

  10. LOVED this book. (I'll buy it when it comes out). I would pre-order it to enter this contest, but I get Natalie's critiques for free. Cue evil laughter. MUA HA HA HA! MUA HA HA HA! Okay, that was mean.....but, really, you want one of Natalie's critiques. They're awesome!

  11. Wow, this is incredibly generous of you. You must really love this book. I'm going to check and see if I can pre-purchase this on my Nook.

  12. Awesome prize! Just pre-ordered and sent the email zinging your way! *FINGERS SUPER CROSSED*

  13. My entry is on the way! I asked in my email too, but can I get extra credit for pre-ordering Supernaturally too? ;-)

  14. I don't have a credit card =/ but good luck to all those entering!!!

  15. Yay books! I think there need to be more contests in which I buy a book in order to win something :)

  16. Just when hubs put me on a book buying ban... grr. But I can't pass up the opportunity for a critique. Lips sealed and fingers crossed! ;)

  17. Yay for awesome books and contests! Also, thanks to Jemma for asking the question that was keeping me from entering... until now! :-D

  18. I so totally would but my three ninjas (all under four years old) disassemble and then eat paper books for breakfast. Kindle reading is my only hope for getting through two or more continuous pages.

    But AWESOME CONTEST - I'm totally jealous. Good luck to everyone who enters!

  19. So glad you justntweeted this! I'd somehow missed it before. Entry sent!

  20. Had no idea about this contest... *dies on the inside*
