Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Six Years. Time For A Contest!

Six years is a long time to blog, guys. I'm pretty sure I ran out of decent content about 2 years ago. Well, at least consistently good content. I still have moments. But I keep the blog around because it has a special place in my writing journey—it's how I met my crit partners, met my first agent, and essentially learned the business of writing and publishing. That, and I'm too lazy and cheap to pay for an expensive web site design. Heh. 'Tis true.

I owe a lot to the online writing community, so as I've been pondering what to do with my blog anniversary I ultimately landed on taking an opportunity to give back. Helping other writers is something I've always believed in, even if I have a lot less time to do so lately. It's been a long while since I held a contest for a critique—but today is the day!

So. Here are the details.

How To Enter: In comments, pitch your book in six words. Yup, six. It'll be like extreme Twitter.

Prize: Each winner will receive a query and 10-page manuscript critique.

How You Win: I will choose SIX favorite pitches—those will be my winners.

Deadline: Midnight (Mountain Time), October 14th, 2012 (Winners will be announced Monday, October 15th)

So get entering! I'm very excited to see what you guys come up with.


  1. Non-linear YA Heathers meets Hate List

  2. 30-something Medusa in modern NYC

  3. Question: The first draft of my manuscript is not yet complete, and I don't have a query yet, but I DO have 10 pages. I haven't worked on it for a while because I'm stuck. Can/Should I still enter? If the answer is yes, here is my pitch:

    Hyper-electric girl dominated by fae.

    I hope putting in that link isn't cheating. ;)

    1. Enna, you totally still count! There is never an expiration date on my crit offers:)

  4. Dangerous teenage animal-humans journey together reluctantly


    Gah, that was difficult. Good contest - both the method of entering and the prizes. Thanks for offering it!

    I'm also following you on Twitter, because you seem cool and have the life I want to live someday. Writing for a living and spending time watching dramas and playing MMORPG with the that's the life. Right now, I have no time for MMORPGS and little time for dramas, so I shall live vicariously through you. ;)

  5. Witch vows to destroy her country.

  6. I've recently begun to take my writing much more seriously, so a 10 page critique would be super-helpful.

    Here's my crack at it:

    Quasi-psychic mom must evade serial killer.

    Thanks for the contest, Natalie!

  7. Inexperienced Reaper runs from bloodthirsty assassin.

    Thanks for this great opportunity, Natalie! And congrats on your sixth blogging anniversary!

  8. Hidden diary reveals civil war secrets.

    Mine's an MG. But I do have a complete YA, as well, if that's the requirement.

    Cool contest! Even tougher than a Twitter pitch!

    Laurie (hagergirl(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Merlin's steampunk apprentice must save Camelot.

  10. demon reincarnates to save her soul.

    wow, that was tough and awesome! thanks for the contest :)

  11. Dream-walking spy saves boy from fate.

    Whoa. That was hard. What an awesome contest!

  12. Girl-assassins. Victorian carnival. Kill/be killed.

  13. nameless, genderless teen disposes of corpse

    yup, definitely hard

  14. Captured by pirates. Must not die.

  15. Her touch can find a killer.

  16. Girl navigator saves griffins. Steampunk London!

  17. Hot Summer Nights, Ferris Wheel Kisses.

    This was a lot harder than it sounds! :) But I love it.

  18. Jack and the beanstalk with necromancers.

    Thanks for the contest and congrats on reaching six years. :)

  19. Girl tames man-killing werewolf, protects Pack.

    Congrats on six years, and thanks for the awesome contest!

  20. Teen couple attempts friendship after breakup

    (Congrats on six years! I love your blog & have always found it helpful & encouraging! Thanks for this opportunity!)

  21. Orphaned dragonknights, heritage conflicts with duty.

    Thanks for the contest! (Whew, that was hard to condense the essence of my novel.)

    Love your blog. MS is YA Fantasy. It's finished, but I'm still tweaking to make it just right.

  22. Escape him. Return to save him.


    Congrats on six years! I've been reading (happily) for the last two XD

  23. Girl escapes bad school by inventing own heroine.


  24. The Sixth Sense meets Disturbia.

    Congrats on 6 years, Natalie! You're awesome! :)

  25. Futuristic India girl hacks own mind.

  26. Three princesses + prince = fairy godmother nightmare

    I know, the math symbols are cheating. Great contest, and congratulations on the six year blogoversary!

  27. Budapest: stop human traffickers, exonerate father.

    I don't need the query crit, but I'd love the ten-pages!

  28. Operatives want Ari. She controls minds.

  29. Ex-cheerleader investigates high school financial fraud.

    (I hope "ex-cheerleader" counts as one word :))

    Some of these entries sound sweet, I hope I get to read them someday!

  30. Time Curving risks world destruction.

    Six years! That's an amazing accomplishment :) Thanks for the awesome contest!

  31. Congratulations on six years! And thanks for the contest. :)

    Blood transfusion grants thief supernatural abilities.

  32. Girl in drag eliminates brother's ghost.

  33. Jane Austen, magic, and Ocean's Eleven.

  34. Cursed Manhattan lounge, magic, kissing.

    Congrats on six years!! Thanks so much for the contest!

    1. Let's just pretend I said "and" before kissing to make it six words. :)

  35. Synesthetic girl tastes Phoenix music. Dangerous.

  36. Congratulations, Natalie! I'm a long-time lurker, and I *love* your blog. :) Can't wait for Transparent!

    Six words. Man.

    Female teenaged Hamlet meets Grimm fairytales.

    —Rachel (

  37. Swimmer struggles to impress sportswriter father

  38. American girl with superpowers fights Nazis.

    (Congrats on six years and here's to many more! I don't need a query crit but would be delighted with a 10-page critique!)

  39. Disguised alien attends school for misfits.

  40. Blood, guts, and lots of death.

    j/k ;P

  41. Teen girl. Aphrodite's descendant. Vampire queen.

    Natalie congrats=o)

  42. I feel like Ernest Hemingway, with his six word story: "For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Worn."
    Rebel spy. Evil government. Sword fighting.
    (Please don't send the grammar cops after me for that one!)

    Super congrats, Natalie! Six years is so AMAZING.

    ~Riv Re
    Riv Reads

  43. Perfect-pitch enchantments, secret messages, stopping (the) Dark-Fae.

  44. Thanks for doing this, Natalie! Love seeing all of these great critiques. :D

    Identity and temptation destroy those Eclipsed.

  45. Earthling teens halt magical alien invasion!


  46. (Don't enter me for the contest. I just had a good entry already and wanted to include it :-)

    Post-apocalyptic, dragon-riding ninjas. With mechs!

  47. Love blossoms despite the SOUL CUTTER.

  48. Pitching 2, if that's okay?

    History books said he was handsome


    Favorite books help girl woo boy

  49. This certainly isn't easy! Let's see...

    Child sorcerers, magic carpets, medieval India.

  50. Approaching apocalypse triggers girl's quantum evolution.

  51. Siblings join otherworldly army protecting Earth.

    ~ ~ ~

    Congrats on six years blogging! I love your blog...I have been a lurker for a long time. ;)

  52. Congratulations on another milestone, Natalie! As a long-time blogger myself I know just how hard each successive year gets. You've already given back so much to your readers just through your posts.

    What a challenge to capture the essence of a book in six words. Was fun, though.

    To kill, or not to kill?

  53. Okay, I've got two here:

    Boy's greatest wishes come true—unfortunately.


    Ancient genie feud meets Amazing Race

    —Kayla :)

  54. Congratulations on six years - and this is totally not easy, haha!

    Sleuthing teen must find the stalker.

    ~ Tara Cooper

  55. Congrats on 6 years!! This is a really fun contest... so here we go:

    Stop the plagues? Solve God's clues.

    Phew... that was pretty hard!


  56. Congrats on 6 years! That's a long time to blog.

    Six words is a lot harder than it sounds, but thanks for the challenge!

    When the dead speak, gargoyles awake

  57. Teen's inherited anamnesis reveals unnatural adversary.

  58. Girl meets boy. Boy combusts...naturally.

  59. Wow, six years! That's a lot of content, and I love your blog. Very helpful to me. :)


    Rogue assassin v. Schizo sister = War.

  60. Congrats on six years, Natalie, that's pretty amazing! The fact that you can even come UP with content, let alone really good stuff, is very awesome. :) Here's my entry! I've never done one of these before, *think* I'm glad it was so challenging. ;)

    "Self-proclaimed bounty hunter seeking reluctant sorcerer."

  61. "Surfer girl, meet mountains--and boy."

    btw, thank you for your dedication to this blog for 6 years. As a reader for past several years, I still look forward to your posts!

  62. Will hang for grandfather's crimes. Pirates.

    Longtime lurker here! Thanks for the contest!

  63. Post-apocalypse with international organizations and aliens.

    Also a longtime lurker. Can't wait to read TRANSPARENT!

  64. Timmins alone sees maggots. Combat ensues.

  65. "Wicked Witch reforms, accidentally destroys Oz"

    Thanks for doing this, love your blog!

  66. Disease causes souls to swap worldwide.

    Congrats on the anniversary. Pre-ordering the book now.

  67. (Are you sure it can't be seven words? Or eight? LOL.)

    Imperiled ruler hides heir in past.

  68. Warrior siren tamer doesn't know it.
