Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Writers Society: Your Turn!

I'm giving the floor to you guys today—what makes you happy when it comes to writing? It can be little things or big things. Silly or deep. Whatevs. (Using slang makes me happy. It also makes me look lame. But, well, whatevs.)

A few of mine recently:

1. Finding a song that hits the exact right emotion for a particular scene. Like this one:

Yeah, I'm about to turn 27, but I love me some Jim Croce, thank you very much. And that stache? Dude.

2. Reading a passage from my book and realizing it's freaking GENIUS. Okay, that may be an overstatement, but still. I edited a crucial moment in Transparent yesterday, and it felt so good to see that it worked. Even on the 50 billionth read, that scene...guys, I really hope you get to read it someday. Really really.

3. Every single time Carrie Harris says I have awesome side characters. Never gets old. Ever. I have a lot of side characters, so I constantly worry they blur together or need to be made more distinct. Sometimes I love them just as much as my main.

Okay, take it away people! Let the happy things abound!


  1. I LOVE a good song. I think writers appreciate delicately written lyrics :)

  2. FINALLY thinking of the word I was trying to think of (yesterday it was "edifying")

  3. Also, Courtney's right--gorgeous lyrics resonante with writers so much.

  4. I was singing that song in my head seconds before I decided to log into blogger. And now I don't have to google it in order to listen to it. So thank you.

    And I love it when an idea snicks into place. When the idea arrives like a combination of serendipity and the subconscious, and it just works.

  5. I love the thrill of discovering a new shiny idea. And the more you think about it, the greater is seems.

  6. Dude. Have I mentioned lately that I love your side characters? ;)

    Like Carlos. And Brady. And have I mentioned Carlos? He cracks me up.

  7. Carrie, Carlos IS rather endearing, which is strange considering what a tool he is.

  8. I love reading a scene back and not recognising it as my own writing at first (but in a good way!).

    Y'know that, 'hey this is cool!' reaction when you get sucked into something - I love when that happens.

    I sometimes feel like such an idiot laughing at my own jokes and story, when I know what's coming because I'm the numbskull who wrote it. Still don't let it stop me from grinning like a loon, though. :)

    Have a good weekend.

  9. Like lora, I love when the absolute perfect word, the only one that will really do, pops into your head. Such a great feeling!

  10. Ian, I do that all the time! It's the best:)

  11. I love stumbling onto a great first line. I love beginnings.

  12. I like when a small, seemingly insignificant character grows into his or own, weaving his way into the story until I realize that its not the same without him. Weird how that happens...

  13. Having a great idea that won't leave you alone until you write it down, and then you realize it's better than you thought it was.

    Music, definitely. Finding that perfect song or album.

    Writing with my best friend. I love to write on my own, but something about the two of us writing together is so great. We inspire each other.

  14. So many great observations! And Ian, that's exactly how I feel. I'll read something in a subsequent edit, and think, "Wow. Did I write that?"

  15. I love it when I try to edit my book, but I get so into it that I end up just reading it instead.

  16. Fun idea for a post!

    I love when my MCs have their epiphanies. Getting to see how far they've come and what lessons they've learned is really special :)

  17. YES all three of those are brilliant! Another one of my favorite's is when you first get that spark, or you find the perfect twist/problem solver in for the plot :)

    Oh, and rereading something of your own and being like, wow, that was actually really funny, way to go! hahah

  18. I love when I'm so engrossed in a scene that the whole world spins by. I live for moments like that.

  19. I write fantasy, and I love it when I come up with a completely cool/genius Fun New Thing in the world building. It's the small, awesome details that really make or break a fantasy, so when something cool pops into my head, I snap it right up.

    Also? All the awesome books already written! I love the reading part of writing, and seeing all the good stories, characters, and writing that's already out there. It helps me stay inspired.

  20. I love picking up something I've written, reading a bit of it, and wondering how the hell I managed to write something that good. It doesn't happen too often but there are a few poems that still give me a shudder when I read them. Where did I find those words?

  21. I like me some slang too. And you know what helps with the lame feelings? Making up your own slang.

    Though probably not so much for contemporary.

  22. I take great pride in my characters and their realistic dialogue :D I have to be careful I don't make it TOO realistic or the biggest word in my 'wordle' will be UM, or LIKE, or that sort of slang thing ;)

    I also love it when I read a passage of my work and just squee over how cool the storyline is. And the writing. and how much i lurve my characters.

  23. I love it when two or three hours disappears, and it feels like I've only been working for minutes.

  24. I love it when the words flow so easily and my fingers dance on the keyboard.

  25. Totally off the subject, but your profile picture is really cute.

  26. I love it when my characters solve problems I haven't figured out yet. They are so much smarter than I am.

    And I love it when I come up with new devious ways to make trouble for my characters. All will be well eventually, but I laugh an evil laugh when I hatch a new evil scheme.

  27. I love the high of writing the first draft.

    I also love when something goes out on submission for the first time, cause that's when all my book-deal dreams seem most possible.

  28. I love when I am so sucked into a scene that a natural high takes over me. Writing a book is a magical process.

  29. Wrapping up a chapter on just the right note.

  30. Ohmygod Jim Croce is a HUGE favorite around our house! My daughter is constantly asking me to sing Operator and Time in a Bottle, and when she was two she could sing large sections of Bad Bad Leroy Brown all by herself. LOVE HIM.
