Monday, guys, will be my 1000th post! Ack. That sounds so ridiculous. That is a lot of rambling to the internets. And I will celebrate that rambling somehow. Probably with prizes. Maybe a video. Definitely some references to old posts. WE SHALL SEE.
Anyway, today is Post-All-Those-Drawings-I've-Been-Too-Lazy-To-Scan Day! YAY. And I didn't even scan them—I took pictures. See? I'm the perfect picture of lazy. (And my scanner is evil, but that's a different story.) The quality is kind of pathetic, sorry, but you get the idea. I promise if you ever run into me, you can see my sketchbook in REAL LIFE if you want. I really don't mind if people ask to look through it, and I most always have it with me.
So, pictures!
This is a Dungeons & Dragons character I drew up when we were playing. She's a bard with an attitude.
This is an attempt to draw my MC from SIDEKICK, Russ. Not that it's bad, I just don't think it looks as much like him as I want it to. He's always been a little hard for me to capture on paper, but this is closer than I've gotten previously.

This is Izzy, Russ' sister, also from SIDEKICK. She's an...eccentric dresser and rabid Otaku (anime fan).
Coco Slater is from my current WIP, BLACK SHEEP, a companion (and totally for fun, self-indulgent novel) to SIDEKICK. She's a musician, and she might be a wee bit obsessed with virtual pet games.
I was in the mood to draw a close up, with big eyes. So this is Worried Big Eye Girl! She has big eyes. And she's worried. I like her. See? I'm not always drawing characters.
Well, that was fun. Off to contemplate the 1000th Post extravaganza thing...