That's right, go ahead and be wildly jealous. I spent my afternoon with my very first online writer buddies:
Kiersten and
Renee. This is the second time all three of us have been able to get together. The first time was last August, and it was just as much fun this time around. Maybe even more fun because I don't have many close friends, and these two are some of my closest and I never get to see them for reals.
After a nice lunch (minus one seriously slow server), we headed to Barnes & Noble. Uh, where else would three writers go? While there, we proceeded to get weird stares while shamelessly taking pictures of ourselves in the YA section where our book would be if, ya know, we ever got published:

Renee would be next to Suzanne Collins and a little book called
The Hunger Games. Uh, lucky! Talk about prime real estate.

Kiersten would be pretty close to Scott Westerfield and
The Uglies series, which, well, ain't too bad either.

And me? Well, I'd get to be next to Kiersten when she gets there. I think it rocks that we'd be shelf buddies.
Then we had to take a picture next to the coveted Co-op Table of Destiny:

If you notice, I have two books in my hand (
If I Stay and
Eyes Like Stars)...like I can leave that place without buying something. I also forced Renee to buy
The Hunger Games (Ren, I'll refund you if you don't like it, but I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping my money.).
Let's do this again next year at the latest, okay?