Monday, June 17, 2013

House Of Ivy & Sorrow Cover Reveal + ARC Giveaway!


I KNOW, RIGHT??? When I first saw the design direction HarperTeen was planning for HOUSE OF IVY & SORROW, I about peed my pants from excitement like those little yippy dogs do every time they meet a stranger. The concept art was super rough, but the fact that they were going for an illustrated text cover was pretty much a dream come true. And then the colors! And the ivy! And my name is on it!


They say a witch lives in the old house under the bridge . . .  
What the residents of Willow’s End don’t know is that there are two witches living in the crumbling old house draped in ivy. Ancient, toothless Dorothea Hemlock . . . and her seventeen-year-old granddaughter, Josephine.

Jo has always managed to keep her magical life separate from her normal one. But now the mysterious Curse that killed her mother—and so many Hemlock witches before her—has returned. Soon Jo realizes that the life she’s fought to keep hidden could destroy the one she’s worked so hard to protect. 

So there it is! HOUSE OF IVY & SORROW—coming to you on April 15, 2014. Talk about the perfect tax day treat. And you won't even have to feel guilty because it's a paperback original so it'll be under $10! That is A LOT of pretty for a very reasonable price, just sayin'.

But in all seriousness, this book means a great deal to me. Though it may be about witches on the surface, the heart of this book is very personal stuff. The death of my grandmother when I was eight. How much I value true friendship. And some pretty strong feminist themes.

Also, pudding. And talking cats. And kissing.

What? You didn't think I'd go completely serious, did you? Psh.

Okay, on to the GIVEAWAY. Obviously, I don't have ARCs yet, but I'm giving away one of mine the second I get them—and it could be you that I send it to! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by June 24, 2013. Yup. Easy peasy. I'm old school like that. I'll announce a winner next Tuesday, and you'll get a HOUSE OF IVY & SORROW ARC just days after I get mine, which is pretty much as soon as you'll ever get them.

Now excuse me while I prance around like an idiot because I love this cover so much.


  1. If you're cool with Canada, I'll enter :)

    If not (shipping's a jerk, I know), I love the cover anyways! It's gorgeous!! Beautiful cover combination. And I can't wait to read it! :)

    1. Laina, this first one's open to anywhere! It might be the only time:P

  2. Eeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp! This cover is so pretty!!! Ivy illustrated text and the colors, oh the colors! And of course, that blurb. So happy for you that you got this AWESOMESAUCE cover!

    I'm from the Philippines but if this is US-only, it's fine! You deserve hearing my "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppp". Hee!


  3. Oh wow, Natalie, that cover is gorgeous. Congratulations! I love the sound of the book, too. Right up my street...

  4. I LOVE the cover, and the book sounds amazing, So excited for you. squeeeeeee!

  5. Wow, very nice cover, congratulations! I didn't realize you had another coming out so soon (yeah, almost a year away, but still). Way to go!

  6. Wooooow!!! This book looks SO awesome!! Can't wait until it's out!

  7. Nice over!! I can't wait for book 2! Please count me in! :D

  8. So pretty! And the book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it!

  9. This cover is gorgeous and I loved Transparent! Can't wait to get my hands on this!

  10. Ooh, I love your covers! Transparent's sitting on my desk, all pretty and mellow, and House of Ivy and Sorrow looks amazing as well! You drew the lucky sticks for covers.

  11. Love the cover! Can't wait to read this. Thanks for the contest.

  12. Eep! It's so prettyyy! Love it! I seriously can't wait to read this. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. So pretty! I love the typography they used & I love the plot description! My email is
    -Scott Reads It!

  14. Oh wow, that is one er pretty cover!!! Love it.

  15. Gorgeous, Natalie! Congratulations! :)

  16. Wow that is such a pretty cover! I still have to read Transparent- visiting the library after my exams are over for a copy :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Wow I love the cover. It's different to all the others that are out there and the colors are beautiful. They really did a great job. I can't wait to read it :)
    Love Kamy

  18. Great cover. Green is my favorite color and the ivy looks amazing. congrats on all the pretty and thanks for the giveaway :-)

  19. Writers get to deduct that $10 as a business expense, right?


  20. That is just about the prettiest text art I have ever seen on a book. I just want to reach out and touch it!
    Also I love books about witches and it sounds like a great twist on them!


  21. Ooh! The cover is super pretty! I'm really exited to read the book.

  22. Squee! Love the cover, love the blurb, can't wait for this book! Congratulations!

  23. This is such an amazing cover! Love it soo much!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  24. Oh, Natalie, it's fantastic! I love that they focused on the typography and that they did it so well. It really stands out. I'm definitely excited for this one! :)

  25. Oooh, pretty! I can't wait to read it!

  26. Oh my gosh. I love it. I love it so much.

  27. I love that cover, Natalie! It's gorgeous.

  28. Natalie!! It's perfect. I've been dying to read this one since you posted that little chapter snippet like years ago. WAHOOO!!!

  29. Love it, thanks for this chance. holtmin at yahoo dot com

  30. I want one! Me! Over here!!!

    The cover's absolutely beautiful, Natalie! Been waiting for this one for a long time, (at least it feels that way to me!)


  31. LOVE LOVE LOVE the font and curlicues!!! The background looks like either the sky or a reflection in a puddle - deceptive and magical like witches:))

    LOVE witches:))

    Thank you:))

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  32. it's so YOU, and so pretty! They really did nail it. :)

  33. Beautiful cover, with the font and the ivy and everything! Beautiful front page, beautiful concept, PUDDING!!! And magic! Talking cats, like in Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli movies! And all those fantastic internal themes/thoughts/emotions that mean a lot to people!

    I really want to read this one. :)

  34. That cover is beautiful! I'm going to go back and have a moment with it!

  35. I cannot wait for this book. Love, friendship, family...all important themes. So excited for you, Natalie!

  36. This is SO gorgeous, Natalie! I LOVE IT! Can't wait to get my hands on my very own copy! :)

  37. Amazing giveaway and synopsis! It sounds awesome! And the cover is so beautiful!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  38. The cover is fabulous!!


  39. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Seriously everything about this book screams love to me! I'd love to win a copy!

  40. Ooh, I love this! Love the twisty words of ivy!

  41. Love, love, love the cover! And WITCHES are one of my favorite things in books. I need to write a story about a witch one of these days. So very excited to read it!

  42. Love this cover. It will really stand out on the YA shelves. Congrats!!

  43. This cover. THIS COVER. Honestly it is beautiful!

  44. Lovely! Also, I think more books should debut in paperback--then I could afford to buy MORE BOOKS!!

  45. WOW! This cover reminds me of The Chaos of Stars - with basically just typography/letters! I love it! It's creepy and haunting and fantastic all at the same time! I haven't read a witch story in a long time - so I'm excited to see what you've come up with!

    I loved Transparent, so I can't wait to read your next book! Congrats on a beautiful cover, Natalie! And thank you for being awesome and offering to give away an ARC! :)

  46. Congratulations! The cover is lovely.

  47. The cover turned out awesome! Thank you for giving us a chance to win an ARC!

  48. The cover is beautiful and the premise/story sounds intriguing.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win an ARC.

  49. Sounds really interesting and the cover is beautiful!

  50. Love, love, love your cover! And the story sounds awesome: witches, talking cats, kisses, and curses <-- count me in! Congratulations on your gorgeous cover and upcoming book!

  51. Love the book description, witches are always a favorite topic of mine! And the cover is really pretty. Excited to read this!

  52. Gorgeous cover!!! You hit the jackpot with that!

  53. Gorgeous cover, and sounds like the story matches! Adding to Goodreads now!

  54. Soooo pretty!!! Congrats! I can't wait to read it!

  55. I wantssss it my preciousss. *grabby hands* :D

    It's beautiful! And green! I love green!

  56. It's so lovely! I don't know what I was expecting, but the font-centricness and literary feel of the cover (it just screams "literary!" to me; I've probably seen a litfic cover like it before, but who cares?) is perfect. Looking forward to reading it!

  57. LOOKS GORGEOUS!!! :D :D :D :D Omg so excited :D *SQUEEEE!!!!* Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway!!!

    iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com

  58. Honest to goodness, I got shivers reading the first line of the back cover copy! Can't wait to read it!

  59. Omg, it's gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Seriously. <3

  60. Looks great! Can't wait!

  61. Wow, this cover is amazing. It's one of my favorites of this year. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Can't wait to read this! :)

  62. So excited I loved Transparent and have become a huge fan of yours. The cover is gorgeous and I will defiantly be reading it!!!!

  63. Wow! That is a gorgeous cover! I can't wait to read it! :D


  64. Congrats on the beautiful cover!!! XD It looks like very intricate needlepoint - absolutely gorgeous. I LOVED Transparent (especially your writing style), so I'm really looking forward to this book!

    And let me thank you in advance for the talking cat. <3


  65. It looks so pretty and sounds awesome! And it's coming out on my birthday! I would love a copy before my birthday, though...

  66. Okay, firstly I had no idea you were publishing a second book so soon and secondly LOVE LOVE LOVE the cover!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy :)

  67. That cover is amazing! I'd love a copy of this

  68. Oooh... I like it! Can't wait for this to come out. Congratulations!

  69. This looks amazing! I'd love to read it.

  70. This looks super cool!!! I really like the cover!!! Totally enter me

  71. You know how much I LOVE this cover!! (and this book!) So excited for you!!

  72. I love the cover! I'm really liking the recent typography cover trend, and this is one of the best yet. Can't wait to read it!

  73. OMG! I can't believe HOUSE OF IVY AND SORROW is, like, finally legit!!! I found your blog around the time you were doing sketches of Jo just for funzies. And now look at you go, Natalie. I'm so proud and honored and on the edge of my seat--- can't wait!

    Warmest wishes and congrats on the faboo cover!
    Deserae Mcg

  74. Wow, what a great cover! I think even if I didn't know what it was about this one would have caught my eye. I hate to sound completely vain but the cover art makes a difference in piquing one's interest. Would love to read it! :) Thanks.

  75. Woot! I loved Transparent and can't wait to read this :)

  76. The cover is beautiful! Simple but still very pretty :] And it's about witches?! I'm starting to get into every type of supernatural being now, vampire, werewolf, angels, and witches. They are all interesting and amazing that I'm pretty sure House of Ivy and Sorrow is too!

  77. Ah! I do love it so. This is one I would pick up based on cover & title alone. :)

  78. Love the cover - it would definitely catch my eye if I were browsing through a bookstore, and the back cover description would seal the deal! I really look forward to reading this book, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!

  79. Oooh, I like it! Text-focussed covers are already a favourite of mine, but the colours seal the deal. I don’t know what it is about them, but the slight gradient in the letters and the combination of both colours really catch my attention.

  80. This is such a beautiful cover! CONGRATS! I love the colors and I'm a sucker for type-heavy covers.

    Also, thanks so much for the giveaway!

  81. Oh. My. Goodness. This is spectacular! Probably one of my favorite covers of 2013! I'm definitely a to typography kinda girl, so I love love love this cover! And pudding? Um, so excited to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!

  82. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Can't wait for this book!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  83. Yaayyyyy!
    *prances with you*
    I'm SO glad you got a good cover. Congrats! It's so pretty!
    *pets it*

  84. The cover is so pretty. I can't wait to read this!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. I LOVE your book cover. So cool to see your name on a cover of a book, I am so happy for you. Would love to win an ARC on the 24th of June, cause that is my birthday. Hoping my birthday luck will win me a copy of your book.

  86. Very, very awesome. I love how the title sorta just seems to float up to you. It reminds me of those pics where you had to sort of unfocus your eyes to see the image that was hidden within(can't remember the name of those...) But congrats, can't wait to read it!

  87. I love it! That cover is Amazzzing. ����

  88. This cover is simply amazing. I love how it looks like the words are growing out of ivy. I just read the blurb on Goodreads, and it went right on my wishlist. Thanks so much for sharing this, and for the AMAZING giveaway!

  89. Wow! I love it! Can't wait to read it. :D

  90. Count me in! The title alone is stupendous, and the design team certainly outdid themselves. Can't wait to read!

  91. SO. MUCH. PRETTY. The book sounds amazing!!

  92. The synopsis reminds me of We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. How fun!

    Take care,

  93. I LOVE IT! do I even have to say? I've always been a fan of House Of Ivy And Sorrow before I knew anything about it, I mean seriously! even the name is wonderful. You must have a headache from my constant talking about your book already :), man how beautiful this cover is, this one is heading to appear on my Blog, cannot wait until it's out.And the back cover description is cool too, and how I love "Author of Transparent" line, girl your fully respected as a published author right now, enjoy :D

  94. Beautiful! (And like Jennifer Hartsock, I also thought of Shirley Jackson's wonderful classic, for some reason.)

  95. Gorgeous! I am especially excited about the pudding.

  96. I LOVE this cover. It's absolutely gorgeous, and now I'm super excited to read HOUSE OF IVY & SORROW (great title, btw.)

  97. LOVE THIS SO MUCH. And this book sounds right up my alley. Can't wait. Come, tax day, come!

  98. Yay! It's so pretty!! It will have a home on my shelf right next to Transparent, and enjoy the southern sea views and daydream about visiting the beaches on Kangaroo Island.

    Congratulations!! I shall dance prance around like an idiot with you!

  99. I love the colors that were used, trying to see what is going on in the background behind the title. :)

  100. Such a beautiful cover! And witches!!! April 2014 seems so far away but congratulations on the beautiful cover!

  101. Illustrated covers are seriously the best! Congrats! 2014 should be a VERY GOOD YEAR! :)

  102. Beautiful cover! Can't wait to see it in person!

  103. Oh, I love it! I'm so excited for this one to release. I would LOVE to be able to read it early. Thank you! And congrats on the pretty!

  104. Natalie your cover is GORGEOUS!!! To die for gorgeous!! I'm not officially entering since I fully intend to beg Harper for one of these, but I had to tell you how fabulous it is!

  105. Sweet cover- and even better synopsis! Can't wait to read it!

  106. Congrats, Natalie! It's a gorgeous cover and an awesome premise.

  107. The cover is amazing - I love it! And that synopsis is so tantalizing...I've had this one on my "to-read" list since it was added to Goodreads, haha!

    Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to win a copy. I know authors tend to keep their ARCs close, for friends and I think it's very kind of you to share one of yours with one of us. <3

    shannon [AT] twilightsleep [DOT] net

  108. Oh man this one sounds good! That cover is GORGEOUS!! I bet it's going to look amazing in person.

  109. WOW! I love the illustrations on the cover! Pick ME!

  110. That is a truly amazing cover. I would love to read it!

  111. Gorgeous! I can't wait to read it!

  112. Natalie! I about died when I saw the cover this morning, and NOW I've read the description! My anticipation levels just skyrocketed. Is it next April yet?

  113. LOVE the cover and the premise of this book! I hope I win! <3

  114. Whoa tough competition ahead of me lol but I believe in trying and trying until I succeed which is the same mantra I say for this crazy journey of writing, querying, anyways enough of me...your cover SWOOOOOOOON I also love the premise and due for a witch story lol crossing my fingers and wishing you so much success.

  115. The cover reminds me of a cool blanket my grammy crocheted me about 5 years ago. The background is dark and mysterious, but the words don't make it over the top YA-spooky-teenage-angst-obscure that everyone is designing. I generally like it. Great job to the design department.

  116. That cover is amazing, I love the colours, and the font, and... it just looks awesome. The blurb sounds fantastic too, can't wait to read it!

  117. Gorgeous cover! Can't wait to read it! Sounds amazing. Thanks for the opportunity to win an ARC. :)


  118. Very nice cover, and a cursed family of witches? I see many opportunities for humor ahead. :)

  119. I am so excited for this!! AHH!! Freaking out right now! Congratulations! :D

  120. THE COVER LOOKS AMAZING! Congratulations! And this book sounds EXACTLY like my cup o' tea. :) I already added it to my goodreads to-read and to-buy list and now all that's left to do is wait. And wait. :| Why, oh, why must the release date be so far into the future?

  121. Love the cover!!! So excited for this and for you!!! WOOT! :)

  122. Ahhh, this sounds like an amazing book! I can't wait to read it!!

  123. Woah! I love the color scheme, and the text treatment's amazing. Can't wait to read this, it sounds amazing! Yay! Congratulations :D

  124. It's so pretty!! I'm way excited to read it. I highly suggest not eating cupcakes spelling the title for this though. It might take awhile:)

  125. This cover is absolutely stunning! Can't wait to read it!

  126. The cover is amazing and honestly, it is what directed me to the book and sparked my interest. I look forward to reading this.

  127. Great cover! I look forward to its release.

  128. I saw this cover on Tumblr and thought it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Then I read the summary and fell in love.

  129. The cover is so cool! And it sounds like a very interesting read. :)

  130. Late to the party, but boy am I glad to have my internet back. This cover is gorrrrrgeous. And the description mkes me want to read it NOW.

  131. I glad I read this just in time. I would love to win an ARC. I just finished reading Transparent and it was phenomenal. If House of Ivy and Sorrow is half as good, I'll be very glad to have an won an ARC!!

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. The cover is gorgeous and the book sounds great! I'm reading Transparent right now and I'm loving it so I'm sure House of Ivy & Sorrow will be just as good :)

  134. Holy jeezus wow. Illustrated Text covers are my favorite thing ever, and this- well this is just amazing. The color palette is beautiful and ethereal with just the right touch of bewitchedness. Cannot wait, and thanks so much for the giveaway! ^.^

  135. This cover is AMAZING! I expected great things after you shared the beautiful artistic touches and typography from the opening page, but this is beyond-expectations-stunning. I'm doubly excited for this book to come out now. Congrats on scoring such a great cover, and thanks for the giveaway!

  136. Love, love, love this cover and would love, love, love to win! Congrats on the beautiful cover.

  137. *I* might pee my pants in excitement like those yippy-dogs because House of Ivy and Sorrow looks like it'll be ridiculous amounts of fun, heartbreaking and awesome!

  138. Ah! So exciting!! I want in!

  139. I can't wait to read this book. It's getting hard to find decent and thrilling witches and wizards and magic books these days but this sounds really interesting.

  140. That is easily the most gorgeous cover I've seen this year. So much pretty. I love the title of this book so much. Why is next April so far?

  141. I'm very excited for this, Natalie! And the cover's super cool and it's unique, which is awesome! Congratulations on your second book being published! :D


  142. Loving all the green. Beautiful!

    Thanks for the giveaway!
